Spiritual Solutions for Business Challenges and George Costanza Opposite Day

Some solutions to your challenges may be the opposite of what you would think.  George Consanza, the loser oddball, on Sienfield discovered this in one ephisode.   Jerry challenges George to do exactly the opposite of what he would normally do.  George gives it a try… and it works!

Here are NINE COUNTER-INTUITIVE  ideas that are clearly opposite of what you might learn in business school.  However, they seem to be well proven laws of the universe.  Give them a try if you want to take your business to a new level.  Plan your own OPPOSITE DAY!

1. Help someone else achieve their goals
It’s a well established law of the universe…” you reap what you sow”. There is no better way to learn something than to teach someone else. There is no better way to accomplish your goals than to help someone else achieve theirs.
2. Give to others what you want to get
You may have heard, “Give and it will be given to you.” The surprise is that not only will you receive when you give, but often you receive exactly what you give… good or bad. People will reciprocate in kind… good or bad. The universe works that way. Some people call it Karma. Whatever you want to get, try giving it away first. It will always come back to you… but more!
3. Move toward people you tend to resist
Often the people you dislike hold the keys to unlock what limits you. In fact, your limitations exist because of your judgments toward specific kinds of people. When you judge others, you yourself are judged. You either become the same or react by going to an unhealthy extreme reaction.
4. Connect with people who are opposites
We all like people who are like us… especially, people who tell us what we want to hear. Your abilities and skills are limited, find people who see things differently, do things differently, and balance you out. You become a bigger person as you move outside your comfort zone.
5. Give up control
When you relinquish control, you allow natural forces to take over. Instead of fighting against these forces, you begin working with them. Let go of your attachment to the outcome, do your part and trust the results to God. It’s called faith.
6. Be grateful for things as they are
“Everything works together for good” Learn to love what is. Your resistance to reality often blocks you. When you become grateful, especially for the “bad” things, you’ll be amazed how quickly things change. Even if things don’t change, you become more joyful so you can create better things. Turn things over to God every day.
7. Recognize the seasons of life
“To everything there is a season.” There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. There are seasons to work and seasons of rest. Know the seasons and plan your life and business around them. Don’t just keep doing what you used to do because it worked before. Learn, grow, change.
8. Believe in what you want
You have deep beliefs about yourself, other people and life that were formed early in life. Those limiting beliefs cause you to create a life consistent with what you expect. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” To find out what these beliefs and expectations are… just look at what you’re getting in your life. Imagine the life you want and then ask yourself, “what would I have to believe about myself, others, and the world to achieve that?” Believe great things about yourself. Your false humility feeds the ego as much as another man’s arrogance. The world is not served by you playing small. Be great!
9. Bless the people who curse you
It sounds hard, but it’s worse if you don’t do it. Responding to critics puts you on negative message defending yourself. Let others defend you, let your honor and integrity protect you. Don’t waste energy on your critics and go to their level. Being passive is not enough, you must bless them to make sure you protect yourself from their negative energy.

These principals are counter-intuitive. You won’t learn them in business school. However, after spending 25 years teaching, counseling, and coaching people in spiritual growth, I find I can apply the same principals to business.
If you’re stuck and not reaching your goals wondering how to get to the next level. There may be spiritual issues behind your business challenges.
I find that setting huge business goals often force personal growth. Personal limitations have to be overcome to get to new levels of success. Big goals require you to become a bigger person. Committing yourself to goals bigger than you force you to rely on others. Even if you fail, there are lessons in the failure that cause you to grow.
– Tom Pelton 12/28/11

References in this article:
Galatians 6: 7-9
Luke 6:38
Luke 6:37
ICor 3:6-7
Romans 8:28
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Proverbs 23:7
Luke 6:28

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